How to live stream a private or corporate event?

Remote work is something normal today and the idea of video conferencing to communicate with small or large groups, as well as individuals is something everyone is doing. The most effective and market-savvy companies use live stream events to engage, teach and sell their audiences. This is the main reason companies or organizations are increasing their use of this tool.

If you’re wondering right now how to live stream an event, in this article we’ll give you some tips you need to take advantage of the benefits these communication alternatives offer. 

How to live stream a private or corporate event?

  1. You need to organize your plan

You need to figure some things out before you start, and a professional can help you with the steps in the beginning. You need to know the purpose of this activity, the type of event you are going to live stream, your end goal and the budget you have. 

You need to ask yourself about the intended return on investment, so the answers to these, like any digital marketing campaign, will inform how you should go about the stream itself.

2. Choose an online video platform

A streaming solution is a platform that hosts your live stream.  When considering how to live stream a private or corporate event, you’ll need to choose a streaming solution that is capable of bringing everything you imagine to life. When using one of them, you and your viewers have access to specialized servers and sufficient bandwidth, among many other features in order to ensure a successful stream. 

A professional streaming service can help you handle large volumes of viewers, thereby allowing you to transmit different kinds of events remotely to reach audiences.

3. Reliable internet

It is essential to have a good internet connection, otherwise the live broadcast will get slow if it is not good. Your screen may even freeze at times. Slow upload speeds result in sluggish streaming, and most likely, you'll have bad audio as well.

Internet speed is a key variable in the quality of your streams. Upload speed is the most important when it comes to live streaming because you're pushing content from devices to the web.

4. Quality of the equipment

If you are working with a mixed media company like Novo Amare you don't need to worry about this requirement. Take into account that your live stream content will only ever be as good as the equipment you use to create it, so make sure you count on a professional partner with the right video cameras, microphones, audio equipment, and encoders to give your live stream a professional quality.

You may also like to read: What is streaming and how does it help my business?

5. Rehearse with your presenters

You can stream different types of events, and if it is a conference or other corporate presentation, just like any other event, it's good practice to ensure the message gets across correctly.

Walk through the complete run of the event with both your participants and the video and audio team. The main idea is to make sure everyone gets familiar with the process.

For remote presenters: have them test out their tech at their location to make sure they have a good internet connection and compatible hardware.

6. Get the most from your recording

So much time and effort goes into creating a great event. Capturing the event through video helps those who weren’t there to be able to be a part of the experience, so besides internal events, the video becomes a great resource for new team members and for those working remotely.

If it is about public events, the video is a great marketing tool. You have different options: Use clips from the recording to promote your next event. Sell on-demand recordings of the event or create an e-learning course. Reach out to those who attended your event for feedback or to share a special offer. Video definitely provides a lot of ways to connect with your audience.

What are the Benefits of Live Streaming?

In summary, live streaming is a professional way to reach a broad audience with a consistent message. When done with a professional partner you can guarantee stable HD-quality audio and video of your corporate presentations. 

On the other hand, if we have a marketing perspective, you not only get the benefit of the live event, but you can also save it and make it available on-demand. Marketing is an ever-changing field. One big change over the past few years is the increasing emphasis on video content to grow brand awareness.

Live-streaming a corporate event is a complex task

In order to ensure success and deliver the highest-quality content, you can work with a professional live streaming partner like Novo Amare, so we can give you support and advice throughout the project.

Aside from recommendations for equipment, production quality, and content delivery, we can help you direct and edit your broadcast, free of ads and distractions, to any location in the world. 

If you are looking for this kind of service we can help you, drop us a message, let's start the conversation


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